
Showing posts from January, 2012


family photo minus my two older brothers, why is the picture so small ugh whatever. I miss this place so much. And when I say this place I don't mean Korea I mean Japan. have I mentioned that I need a new winter wardrobe?


retreating into my happy place, now that I'm back in this stifling space a magical land that lights up at night, where I play on my piano of ice on a happier note, my new history tutor has inspired me and renewed my hope in the subject. my school's open house is tomorrow and you wonder why I don't feel more excited
"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here" - from Dante's Divine Comedy that phrase has been in my head these past few days, and no wonder,what with school starting tomorrow. but that's not the only one thing. "No one is here by chance." SAJC's motto or something whatever. I've been unconsciously repeating it over and over in my head until recently I realized that what I was saying(in my head) was wrong, instead of the word 'chance', I'd used 'choice'. "No one is here by choice." over and over and over... I think my subconscious is trying to tell me something.