
Showing posts from October, 2012
extremely late revelation, well not really a revelation, but you know how it's always so much easier said then done? so is this, just appreciating the little things in life, noticing and appreciating these little moments that brighten up my day, if only for a moment, if only for that moment. yes, there are good days and bad days, sometimes it just seems more like bad days and good moments. I realize I've become much more emotional and unstable, like for example how I never used to cry during movies etc because I really wasn't moved by anything on screen, but now I find myself bawling my eyes out almost every time someone dies/leaves etc am I gaining more empathy? And yet, slight improvements aside, I still can't seem to shake off this self-destructive cycle I've fallen into. but no, today's post I acknowledge the things I'm thankful for, the things worth living for, the things I've yet to but want to experience.