
Showing posts from January, 2009
i hate A maths. in fact, i absolutely detest it. I HATE MATHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
happy chinese new year. woa,i slept till about 2pm today. it's not my fault. my family went to my uncle's house yesterday and came back at l+am because we were having too much fun gambling. it was a once in a year thing so everyone was like what the heck. in between was like omg. this was my luckiest year so far. but then. school tomorrow,homework not done. luckily i don't have to go visiting today so i can choing everything.
my voice broke today!! i sounded so damn low.... but nevermind,at least the performance is over. i shan't comment on it sigh....i have tuition today. not to mention mountains of homework to do. this totally dosen't feel like a holiday!!!!!!
doing history now. apparently the site doesn't exist. well i can only access it if i delete the parts after .com .............. but besides that, i love this week. hahahahahahahahahahaha (i totally shouldn't be doing this) I.NEED.SLEEP.
last night's dinner was quite good i guess. we were celebrating my grandmother's birthday and like 100++ people came. i didn't know like ,almost everyone there so yeah, everytime some aunty or whoever stops me or smiles at me or suddenly starts talking in some weird dialect, just smile and nod like you understand(that's what i did) mostly everyone there was either above 40 or below 10 but there were like maybe 6-7? teenagers i think. oh, some of those old guys were really enthusiastic.(i think they were drunk though.) they kept singing karaoke and shouting random birthday wishes. we finally got back at like 11+ so damn tired. drop to sleep straightaway. that's why i'm now awake at 5+ to print out my damn english homework. i hate english!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay,i'm supposed to be doing work right now but i'm procrastinating. oh,as you can guess, we did absolutely nothing on friday. so we have to meet up tomorrow in the morning to film and edit everything. yeah,and a happy new year to you too.
survived the this week of school... oh,and i finally got a locker this year,i'm sharing with pueh suan. and, i just got used to the timetable when they decided to change it to try out for 1 week... whatever..... i hate thursdays, it's exhausting...... i thought of something on thursday.
I HAVE OFFICIALLY QUIT NPCC TODAY!!!!!!!!! (excitedly screaming and jumping around room) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
sigh... school is so tiring. sciencesciencescience i mistook the physics term for math!!!! tomorrow school starts late. damn. that means i'll have to battle with the rush hour crowd..... oh, but i got the form to transfer cca today!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!! there were like 4 others inside trying to transfer cca as well? lol....and they all wanted to transfer to library.... anyway, i can FINALLY get out of npcc, hopefully soon. ihatenpccihatenpccihatenpccihatenpccihatenpccihatenpcc hahahahaha.
school tomorrow. and i have 3 pure sciences. what a nightmare. tell me,how am i supposed to bring all the books???? my back/shoulder will definitely break on the way.
first day of school. what can i say? my bag is so damn HEAVY . my new class is okay i guess. mostly everyone sticks with their old classmates. i don't like my new form teachers. give me back mr yeo and ms chua anytime....
DAMN YOU HEYMATH i can finally log in. argh!!!!!!!!! i gotta go choing!!!!!!!!!!!