went to the anime festival today. or rather,yesterday, seeing as it's already past twelve. the highlight of the day was the unexpected visit to Hershey's Chocolate world. freaking giant bars of chocolate and Hershey's kisses stacked everywhere, how could I resist???? the only problem is, WHY ARE THERE NO GIANT BARS OF THE COOKIES AND CREAM CHOCOLATE?????? the giant bars of chocolate only come in milk or dark chocolate,which,granted, is delicious as well, but still, WHITE CHOCOLATE(if you're about to write some stupid comment about how white chocolate isn't really chocolate, shut up) yes, the anime festival was a disappointment. oh, and you may have noticed that I no longer have a tagboard. HAH. too bad, I hate tagboards, just that I succumbed to peer pressure and got one the last time, but no longer, DOWN WITH TAGBOARDS AND VAPID SHALLOW TAGS, if you got something to say about my post, tell me personally or write a freaking comment, except that i just realized that ...