
Showing posts from March, 2009
are guys afraid of girls who have a lot of brothers? because i just had this hilarious conversation. this random guy added me on msn and started talking to me. then he asked if i had any brothers and if so, how old they were. so i just started listing them out. he asked me how many i had. so i just said 5. then he immediately appeared offline. hahahahahahahahahahahaha again..... it's as if there weren't any holidays at all. i need sleep. it seems that my eye bags got worse after the holidays. and nafa is coming. i hope i'll be able to pass my 2.4km run....
well, it's friday, end of the march holidays. this has been the busiest holiday i ever had. going back to school practically everyday for choir, elementz or even both, i didn't accomplish anything i wanted to do. furthermore, i haven't finished my holiday homework. i am screwed. today was performance at VJC. we were the only choir to come in our nightgowns(costume), everyone else was in school uniform. perfect right? and catholic high's choir is really pro. i'll never make fun of gay choir boys again. ok, maybe just once,or twice.
well, happy belated birthday to me! i'm officially 15 now. went out with jia min and si min yesterday. it was pouring when i walked out so i got totally soaked. i was wearing white so i had to go back to my house, change clothes and then i took a taxi to amk hub. then went orchard to take neoprint. i can't scan them in so nevermind..... then walked around abit and headed off to plaza singapura to eat dinner at carl's jr. the servings there a enormous and i love their fries!!!! after eating, it was already like 8pm so we had to go home. by the time i got home it was like 9++ oh yeah, i got a card and a pair of earrings from si min, a pair of earrings from jia min, 2 chocolate bars from pueh suan and the three of them gave a bag to me. not forgetting of course, the "holy" water bath rebecca gave me. now, i'm trying to write this stupid thingy for elementz. crap, i have absolutely no freaking idea what to do. ............... i hate this holiday.
i'm very very pissed. i was waiting in line at the amk bus interchange when this old guy just came up and stood beside me. i'm like, what the hell?it's so obvious he's gonna try cut queue. and he is so damn thick skin you know there's this gap between two people when they stand at the queue, he just squeezed there right in front of me and acted like he'd always been standing there. WTF i seriously feel like just slapping him right in that old ugly wrinkled face of his. some people's skin are like a few kilometers thick, like that !@#$%^&* old guy. oh yeah, and i got back progress report. it's like, blah.... and if kenji starts gloating i'm gonna whack him the next time i see him. holidays are starting but it seems like my holidays are totally gone. i'm at school the whole week except tuesday. on tuesday i'm at the library doing elementz.
DAMN YOU E-LEARNING. my whole computer is lagging like dunno what. thanks to that !@#$%^&*) e-learning. and i can't do english e-learning. can't view the stupid lesson. maths. dunno what assignment they're talking about. read all the powerpoint slides but where is the test???? and i can't even see the physics. so is it my computer's problem or what???
well the week is finally over. i hope i don't fail physics or maths. seriously. and,for some reason i can no longer log into asknlearn... like what the heck????? because i could so log in on friday. and i need to do e-learning because there's choir on monday. i just read a post somewhere about superteen. haha, i guess they do do almost the exact thing everytime. it's so weird,it's been like 3 years? i can't really remember it anymore. only have some vague memories.... oh, and my mum may let me get braces after all!!! hopefully she'll allow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 days to my birthday!! and march holidays are next week, i can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! chemistry and amath test today. they were horrible. physics test tomorrow, even worse. and jia min better keep that picture till we 80+. there's E-learning on monday but have to go back for choir. zzzz... and i wanted to sleep till 3pm too......
the weekend's ending. back to school. i'm totally not in the mood to study. i want to go back to camp. and my brother just gave me white chocolate!! that was random by the way. oh, my birthday's is exactly 2 weeks from now. but it's jinxuan's birthday today. so happy birthday.