i'm very very pissed.
i was waiting in line at the amk bus interchange when this old guy just came up and stood beside me.
i'm like, what the hell?it's so obvious he's gonna try cut queue.
and he is so damn thick skin
you know there's this gap between two people when they stand at the queue,
he just squeezed there right in front of me and acted like he'd always been standing there.
i seriously feel like just slapping him right in that old ugly wrinkled face of his.
some people's skin are like a few kilometers thick, like that !@#$%^&* old guy.

oh yeah, and i got back progress report.
it's like, blah....
and if kenji starts gloating i'm gonna whack him the next time i see him.
holidays are starting but it seems like my holidays are totally gone.
i'm at school the whole week except tuesday.
on tuesday i'm at the library doing elementz.


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