
Showing posts from April, 2009
the weather has beenfreaking hot lately. i was practically on a sugar high today, rushing from remedial to tuition, then to another tuition. totally dosen't feel like saturday at all. exams unofficially starting next week,it's english paper(shudders) and, i've now decided that this will be the last time i blog until exams are over. yes, i've actually always been banned from using the computer during term time. but i can still blog and stuff. i'm gonna stop now and concentrate on my studies till exams are over. i am just this close to flunking out of class.
just went for my first english enrichment lesson. i love that guy's accent. can i somehow learn it too? hahahaha.....but i'm serious. this is the choir. our costumes are like..... and, i absolutely hate physics. i'm gonna failfailfailfailfail this test.
aha, i think i must have been high last night. but nevermind, went out with geok mooi today..... it's been so long since i've seen her.... met up to study for awhile because our schedules are all so full.... we did do some homework okay...but talked quite a bit too, what do you expect? anyway, hope she'll be better....
choir syf is finally OVER. thank goodness. now all i have to worry about is catching up on all the homework i missed, and choing-ing like mad for mid year. oh, did i mention i'm probably failing amths, emaths, chinese , physics and chem? but yeah, it's probably no big deal... today's elementz ceremony was damn boring. we didn't even get anything so why bother going? i almost fell asleep during the presentations, but no offense. anyway, i just found out that the results for syf were released today.... i really don't think i want to know them....
happy good friday everybody. elementz people came over at 2pm today. surprisingly, everyone managed to find the place. rehearsed the presentation once, than mr tan said it was okay, so then just slacked and watched the boys make fools of themselves. pictures! abit blur though.... jin xuan on the swing, bryan and vincent(the one holding the umbrella) on the see saw jin xan trying to find the centre of gravity. vincent carrying bryan's panda bag. vincent and the panda.
today's chinese oral was horrendous. it was an absolute disaster. i was so nervous that when the teacher asked me that question, my whole mind went blank and i sort of froze up. i said all of what, 5 sentences? and even then i was mostly stuttering and repeating a whole bunch of crap that even i don't understand. so i know i am definitely not passing chinese oral this year. and, elementz judging is coming, it's on monday. which is coincidentally also the last choir practice before SYF. i'm gonna miss 3+ days of school next week, somehow i'll have to catch up.
i hate this effing computer. a simple task that can be completed in 1/2 hours to 1 hour takes 4 hours. why? ask the shitty internet connection.
yeah, choices have consequences. i know. i've been making so many bad choices this week. choice: did not sleep early since was busy trying to complete all the homework i didn't do. consequences: severely sleep deprived and could not concentrate in school because i was feeling really tired and pissed. especially during chemistry when i actually fell asleep for a few seconds. as a result, i have no idea what mrs ng is talking about.i even caught a small bout of flu which naturally did nothing to improve my mood. and my eyebags actually rival a panda's. anyway, napfa is finally over. i definitely didn't do well at all this year. after that, went for tuition. i was sitting right in front and yet i still managed to doze off for a couple of seconds. ............... i swear i won't do this again. i will start making good choices. like not going out tomorrow but instead stay at home to complete homework and hopefully start on my revision. i may be a no life person but at l