choices have consequences.
i know.
i've been making so many bad choices this week.
did not sleep early since was busy trying to complete all the homework i didn't do.
severely sleep deprived and could not concentrate in school because i was feeling really tired and pissed. especially during chemistry when i actually fell asleep for a few seconds. as a result, i have no idea what mrs ng is talking about.i even caught a small bout of flu which naturally did nothing to improve my mood.
and my eyebags actually rival a panda's.

anyway, napfa is finally over.
i definitely didn't do well at all this year.
after that, went for tuition.
i was sitting right in front and yet i still managed to doze off for a couple of seconds.
i swear i won't do this again.
i will start making good choices.
like not going out tomorrow but instead stay at home to complete homework and hopefully start on my revision.
i may be a no life person but at least i can be a no life person who dosen't resemble a cross between a zombie and a panda.


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