
Showing posts from July, 2009
guess what time i woke up today? give up yet? 2.30 pm hahaha, yes, its true. ah, the joys of staying at home...... my lovely plate of pasta which i had for lunch yesterday. not pretty, but definitely yummy. oh, look at this: it's very blur so you can't really see much..... -.-
i've just finished redoing my physics spa. and after going through all the stupid mistakes i've made, i'm starting to suspect that i was either drunk, on crack or BOTH while i was doing my spa luckily mr lau is such a lenient teacher, i would have slapped my own self if i ever had to mark that. now, ms Harvard is another matter. she really seems to have A LOT of time to cook up ingenious ways to torture us. like that stupid 4 draft summary I KNOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO HELP US BUT STILL, it dosen't mean i have to be happy about it.
i haven't been posting or replying tags. i patient. i've just realized that i hate some people's style of writing blogging so that's been sort of stopping me from blogging (besides time constraints) because god forbid i'll end up sounding like them. my mum's graduation! my cool colourless leaf fresh cola mentos is nicee
just came back from my 4 hour tuition... TIRED... my prison cell view from my cell call this number and SAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10 more minutes before the other tuition starts! as you can see, the whiteboard is not clean...HAHA AHHHHH..... where is my teacher?????? yes, i'm THAT bored. transferred to another cell. 9.45pm and tuition is finally over!!! smile! :) not forgetting of course, my one and only faithful companion who accompanied me throughout: oh, wait. i MUST share this damn funny thing that just happened to me a few seconds ago. two random caucasians added me in msn because they thought i was this shareef person. LOL. they started chatting and asking me about my summer and if i was going to the function. and i was like,"no, where are you from?" then they kept asking me who i was. like what the heck????? Morgan says: anyways. who is this?? hui ching says: hello?like you all added me? Miranda says: well we thought it was shareef ................................. need
life would be much better on the discworld(i think. or hope anyway.) i really don't like getting irked at this time of the night. BUT.... let's just forget that now. i've come up with this theory on why in most relationships, the girl is better looking than the guy. this is not meant to offend anyone. just something i thought of. so here it is: we all know that guys have a big ego. it's true, don't deny it. so, guys usually think that they're really good looking, even if they're *ahem* not. therefore, they reason that since they're so good looking, they naturally should have a good looking girlfriend as well right? while girls are more insecure, and constantly criticize themselves. they don't think they're that good looking(exceptions aside) so their standards aren't that high and they're, well not exactly happy, but at least content on settling with a not as good looking partner. or, here's another one. girls just want to go out with
i was actually tempted to put a bunch of emo crap here but i decided it's too tiring to type out. besides, i'll have to spend like 1 hour plus to make it RHYME. so why go through all the trouble? POOF! worries gone, troubles gone. POOF!POOF! i'm starting to feel happier already. hahahahahahaha when i can't fall asleep, i count sheep. sebby sheep. haha.
ahahahahahaha.... everyday,everyday. it feels weird. walking into class, and instead of my cosy corner seat with the great view, not too far back, not too front, i'm now sitting in the middle of the class in the second row, effectively blocking anyone sitting behind me. also, middle seats seem to have much less space. even ms foo noticed. she was like" eh, you got enough space anot? your chair is already on the table behind." well, YOU put me here. no complains about the people though(besides the usual 'why can't i sit at my old place' stuff) i really really hope that they suspend cca next week. because i have so much more time when there's no cca.