life would be much better on the discworld(i think. or hope anyway.)
i really don't like getting irked at this time of the night.
let's just forget that now.
i've come up with this theory on why in most relationships, the girl is better looking than the guy.
this is not meant to offend anyone. just something i thought of.
so here it is:

we all know that guys have a big ego.
it's true, don't deny it.
so, guys usually think that they're really good looking, even if they're *ahem* not.
therefore, they reason that since they're so good looking, they naturally should have a good looking girlfriend as well right?

while girls are more insecure, and constantly criticize themselves.
they don't think they're that good looking(exceptions aside) so their standards aren't that high and they're, well not exactly happy, but at least content on settling with a not as good looking partner.

or, here's another one.

girls just want to go out with guys who aren't as good looking as they are so they won't feel insecure and when they go out together they'll be the ones getting noticed.
also, they'll get an ego boost because they'll feel better that they are the better looking one.

so there you are.


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