
Showing posts from December, 2011
you know, believe it or not, there once was a time when I was actually genuinely interested and passionate about mandarin. sure, it was only a brief window of time, but it existed. it was at the end of 2004 to the middle of 2005. I'd just got back from a family trip to Tasmania. my mum's friend had come with us on that trip and she'd brought along DVDs of old chinese movies, like 'Dream of the Red Chamber', 'The Kingdom and the Beauty', 'The Three smiles' 'The Love Eterne' etc. it's funny but I really liked these shows, and many more, and so for some time I really wanted to improve my own command of mandarin. I still like these shows, and occasionally do still watch them. I guess the reason I miss Korea so much, is that it was an escape from reality, it represented freedom, and happiness a time that was without burden and worry. Jia Min is always telling me that Pisces people like to daydream and escape from reality. well she's right.
just finished baking brownies for tomorrow's(or rather,today's) Christmas celebration. thinking through the events of my most recent holiday in South Korea, and comparing it with my trip to Japan earlier this year, I realize that my feelings fluctuate as the holiday progresses. I shall call this the "Holiday Feelings Curve", based on a 7 day tour of a foreign country. Day 1: YIPPEE YAY YAY YAY I AM SO EXCITED TO BE GOING TO ANOTHER COUNTRY!!! Day 2: This is so fun I love this place so many different sights and sounds!!!!! Day 3: Why do I always have to wake up so early???? I hate this place I regret coming here, I want to go back to Singapore now!!!!! Day 4: Hmm...Okay fine, I guess I could get used to this place, it isn't so bad after all... Day 5: Lalala~ I kind of like this place.. Day 6: OMG 1 DAY LEFT??? NONONONONONONONO I LOVE THIS PLACE I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK!!!!!!! Day 7: Back in Singapore already???? WTF NOOOOOOO (starts whining and ranting about Sin
I don't feel like doing much nowadays... the computer is a bad influence. I really need to stop snacking after 12am. and maybe start sleeping earlier...well maybe... it's too fun waking up in the late afternoon though, that way I feel better about staying at home on the computer when I should be outside enjoying the fresh air because most of the day's already past, the sun'll be going down's just...a lazy time of the day. well, my kuroshitsuji wall scrolls are up and they look beautiful, my room is almost done, except for a cupboard which my mum assures me she'll get...when she's in the mood. I guess I should think about going to sleep soon.