So somehow I always get hit with a wave of intense nostalgia about midway through finals, but then when finals actually ends I don't really feel any different.
Nevertheless that is another semester over and done with, and with that, my second year in university as well.
I feel like every semester I finish is an accomplishment for me, because at every start of the past 4 semesters, I've never been sure if I'll actually live through it, never really knowing where I might end up at the end of it. Throughout the term I continue to constantly question and second guess myself  at every turn, and it always seems impossible to continue on.
And yet, here I am. Still.
I'm only halfway through, but it feels pretty significant, especially since I still don't quite believe it myself.
One thing I really love about university is the number of excellent professors I've met.
This semester, I've been lucky in that I liked them all, except one, and more than that, I had exceptional professors as well.
That's why I always feel sad when a semester ends, because it feels as if I'll never be able to see those wonderful people again.
This time I'll be bidding farewell to 2 great professors that I have the utmost respect and admiration for.
One, I had last year as well, and was the one who inspired me to take public policy and global affairs as my minor, and who I specially followed this semester just to take his class again, forfeiting another easier class I would have taken with year 1s, and so once again pushing me out of my comfort zone and stretching my analytical abilities.
But I enjoyed the class, though I will freely whine about the large amounts of readings he assigned each week.
His continued passion and drive, as well as the frequent humorous anecdotes he always shared with the class spurred me on to think critically, analyze issues, and apply the concepts learned to situations in daily life.
I hope I was able to do him proud and proved that I'd actually learned something from him.

As for the second professor, I think I can honestly say that he is one of the best, if not the best professor I have ever met.
Not only is he excellent at teaching, you can also tell that he genuinely cares about all of us, and enjoys imparting his knowledge and skills, and despite his extremely tiring full time job, the enthusiasm he brings is infectious, and I find myself eagerly anticipating his class every week.
Even though his class takes place in the evening, at 5.45pm after an already long day of classes, he never fails to manage to cheer everyone up.
I love the stories that he tells to illustrate the concepts, they bring it all to life and really help drive home the points he makes.
Plus, of course, he's a really good story teller.
I remember once, he was explaining concepts and I was frantically taking notes, then he announced that it was storytime, and I perked up, smiling, happy because I especially love the stories, and he happened to catch my eye and grinned back in response.
Honestly I wished he had time to teach another class so I could take it, I am really going to miss taking his class next semester.

With every new semester I am constantly learning new things, not just about psychology, not just about academics, but about myself as well.
Is university stressful? Oh hell yes.
But do I still love it? Definitely.
University has given me so many opportunities, it has shown me a glimpse of what I might be capable of, and so at the same time shown me how much I stand to lose.
I look forward to the next two years, and whatever else may come, and hope that my next semester will be equally filled with inspiring people.

And also I hope I don't screw up my summer exchange in Germany because I admit that right now I am in equal parts excited and terrified.


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