
Showing posts from 2009

Merry Christmas everyone!

today's christmas eve! everyone have a wonderful christmas tomorrow!(even if you don't celebrate christmas) this is just a random conversation which resulted in a laughing fit: (this took place in front of jia min's bubble tea shop) me: si min, i want to eat takoyaki si min: ask jia min to make for us me: ? si min: (points at a picture on the signboard which shows 4 round white fruits) there! me: (laughs) oh yeah! si min: but it's too white... me: (still laughing) maybe it's not cooked? si min: (laughing as well) but isn't uncooked takoyaki soft....liquid?! some incoherent sputtering while i laugh until my stomch hurts and almost cry with si min laughing too till jia min finally notices our hysterics jia min: (puzzled) you look insane well i DID feel sort of insane, laughing at the " uncooked takoyaki" but jia min denied releasing laughing gas to sabotage us.....
just my luck to fall sick during the holidays. seriously. at least i'm feeling well enough now to move around.. I WANT TO EAT BUT I DON'T FEEL LIKE EATING does that make sense? when i am well again i will go on an eating spree!! so who's with me?
i'm back from my holiday in ..................singapore haha, my family went to stay in the Ritz Carlton for 3 days. it was absolutely fantastic!! the hotel room was great!! especially the toilet!!!!! i wish i had the pictures but it's in the camera and i don't know how to transfer it...... wow, 3 days passed so fast, 3 days spent sleeping, soaking in the bathtub, eating and lazing around, that's exactly what should be done during the holidays!! oh, and as promised, geok mooi! pity you can't see her face though, and pueh suan!! haha, perfect shot!
went to jubilee to watch new moon with si min today... the theatre was EMPTY. only the two of us inside watching.... haha, we spent like 1/2 of the time talking and commenting instead of watching since no one else is there..(except for the ushers who probably thought we were crazy) and, we could feel construction going on right underneath us!!! i got a shock when i sudenly felt and heard this tapping sound coming from beneath my seat....reminding me of genting..... so we moved down 2 rows and continued watching..... i think i must have yawned at least 5-6 times during the movie, though i don't know whether it's because i'm tired or the movie is boring......both i think... oh, and i drew up 'wanted' posters for my handphone out of boredem...haha
luckily i didn't have to go watch a movie by myself after all... haha, thanks for acompanying me you all! and thanks for the early christmas present as well pueh suan! going to watch new moon with si min tomorrow.... sigh....but i lost my handphone!!! i forgot to bring it out on monday and when i got home it was GONE.... i'm positive i didn't bring it out with where is it?????
does anyone want to go watch Gokusen the movie with me? i know i'm really slow since i just realized that it's been out for some time, so now it's only being shown at one place. i'm going to go on monday even if it's by myself (though i'll rather not) so if you want to go watch it too, sms me please!
went out with yen lin yesterday. it's been what, 7-6 years since i last saw her? she still pretty much looks the same though.. how time flies..... i finally got to see our new house today! (which we'll move into hopefully at the end of next year) it's really big, but cosy, and it has this sort of old english feel... plus the kitchen has this really nice toffee/coffee smell mmmm.... i can't believe only 4 people live in it, the 2 girls are really fortunate... but i still can't believe that we'll soon be living there!( hopefully) sigh...why can't the people hurry up and move out already???
well, COE is finally over and i'm finally updating. i can't really believe that the school year is over... i mean, we'll all be secondary 4 next year! so i decided to relieve some memories from this year.... firstly, how could i ever forget the day i found a DUSTBIN in the classroom? next, i actually managed to use my pencil until it became this short. see the difference? then, jia min's birthday in school, the day the elementz people came to my house, the day we "surprised" jia min with cream, the first time i went for a walk in bishan park, my baby brothers! haha, fallen asleep yet? the day we borrowed this lot of books from the library, the day the choir went...somewhere, i forgot. ' the day we saw this, the day i got lost in sentosa with this map. yay! it's finally over! but before i end this, jia min and si min! but, since we can't see jia min's face, jia min! pueh suan! geok mooi! i haven't downloaded the latest photos from my hand ph
argh! i want to use my brother's laptop. NOW. this computer i'm using is so slowwwwwww........ and i'm resssstlessss......... i need to go watch my videos!!!!

unfortunately, there's a first for everything; i guess it wasn't enough

good news and bad news. but don't worry, i'm not about to throw a pity party for myself. one year's gone by in a flash. O levels are next year. today, i kept saying, " yay!today's the last day of school! oh yeah, see you on monday." because there's study "camp" for 2 weeks. happy sort of holidays!
ooooooh, my new bed is here! i actually have a nice mattress now!!!! and look what my mum found: hahahahahahahahahaha i can't believe i forgot to return my beret!! and i can't believe mr imran didn't notice! i think i'll throw the beret away but keep the crest, because it's shiny. lol.... anyway, i went to see the doctor yesterday, and............i still don't know what's wrong with my eye. the fees are so expensive just because he gave me so much medicine! but at least i don't have to go to school today... how are you supposed to swallow this??

next week will be noiseless, ahhh.....

i miss my saiunkoku monogatari! hmm...quite bored now....... been doing nothing but reading manga and stuff these few days.. i hope they're no lessons next week... i want to start writing again, but i have no inspiraition!! plus there's something wrong with the USB drive on this laptop so i'll have to write on the computer outside,in the living room... and excuse me, but, no way. it's WAY too noisy. oh, i wanted to see the doctor today to find out what the heck's wrong with my left eye,but, i went to 3 clinics and 2 were closed, while the other 1 wa packed.... so i gave up . I HATE COE


EXAMS ARE O-V-E-R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA and i don't have to think about my screwed up papers till tuesday! and then there'll be choir to occupy me for the rest of the week! oh yay. but whatever, it's over. i think i ate like 3 boxes of this during the exam week mmm...i WANT chocolate... this fan is really dangerous. everytime i see it, it looks like it's about to fall down.
don't you just hate it when.......... when some one sprints across the lobby to catch the lift, shooting you a dirty look as they get in, like it's your fault you didn't see them across the lobby, then reach over to press the button and then you find out that they actually live on the SECOND floor? and that it'll actually take a shorter time climbing up the stairs and less effort compared to sprinting across the lobby? when you're in, let's say math tuition class, and you ask the teacher one question you just can't get, and the little runt beside you pipes up, "easy!" in this oh-so-superior i-know-how-to-solve-it-haha-you-don't voice? because since you're in math tuition it's not THAT obvious you need help in math or anything. 5 days to exams. i seriously should not be posting now but what the heck. pancakes!!!!! yay!no one is sick anymore!! (i think.) i just got a good laugh at some one's pathetic attempt at an insult.
i know i should have been studying and revising today, but i just HAD to finish watching something. so i already did, and i've been acting just a teeny bit obsessive...... i've been thinking of watching the manga, now that i've finished the anime but yes, i know,i'll have to do it AFTER exams...... which are......19 days away?argh. to passerby: yeah, from my school.but i'm fine now,thanks.just ranting.
why does everything always have to be about SOME people? they talk incessantly about themselves, and when they aren't, they're going around interrupting other people who are having perfectly ordinary conversations and starting up obnoxious conversations centering around themselves. otherwise, they're either constantly whining about how bad their lives are and how nobody cares about them and mistreats them. OR, they're going around rubbing it in other people's faces about just how loved they are. they expect everybody to flock around them and hang on to their every word. or else they'll start sulking, pouting and giving stupid pathetic looks all the time. but the most irritating thing is that they dramatize every single little thing and whine about it the whole day. obviously, they're so not going to get over themselves anytime soon.
went to school early today thanks to the dentist appointment. started late, so ended late as well. when i walked out of school, people thought i went back to school to take 'N' level paper. one teacher was glaring at me because he thought i was loitering in school? and the security guard even wished me good luck....LOL...

nothing can dampen my mood today

it's the last day of school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! true, it's only 1 week, and i have to wake up early on EVERY SINGLE DAY. but still, HOLIDAYS. i still want that huge bear. *hint*hint* be strong geok mooi! i know you'll know what to do. don't stop smiling okay? :)

i didn't know such insensitive people even existed

but then, isn't silence the best answer?
wow, what a long time since i last posted. long overdue pictures: what i found in the toilet when i came back a few weeks back can you see all the dead fish???? alone in the science lab last thursday argh, our water is actually alkaline!!!!!!!!!!!!! jin xuan and his aqueous ammonia with...ahem....phenolphthalein ..... my baby brothers!! half ang moh baby cousin his sister punk hair style! chemistry test today. amath test on tuesday was the worst test this year. absolutely horrible.
yup,this blog doesn't have an archives. don't ask me why, i have no idea. i only realised it some time ago when pueh suan asked me where it was. today's inter house maths and science thingy was VERY stupid. half an hour to do 45 questions. i ended up randomly shading like 80% of the answers because i don't have enough time/don't know how to do i will not waste so much of my time anymore. i mean, i can still waste time, just not as much as before. and certainly not on pointless irrelevant things which will not work out.

ARGH. glad this week's over.

6 tests in 4 days enough said. at least it's over.