don't you just hate it when..........

when some one sprints across the lobby to catch the lift, shooting you a dirty look as they get in, like it's your fault you didn't see them across the lobby, then reach over to press the button and then you find out that they actually live on the SECOND floor?
and that it'll actually take a shorter time climbing up the stairs and less effort compared to sprinting across the lobby?

when you're in, let's say math tuition class, and you ask the teacher one question you just can't get, and the little runt beside you pipes up, "easy!" in this oh-so-superior i-know-how-to-solve-it-haha-you-don't voice?
because since you're in math tuition it's not THAT obvious you need help in math or anything.

5 days to exams.
i seriously should not be posting now but what the heck.


yay!no one is sick anymore!! (i think.)

i just got a good laugh at some one's pathetic attempt at an insult.


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