
Showing posts from February, 2009
i'm back from camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok, honestly, i was totally dreading camp. well, they said it was a boot camp so who wouldn't have? but now that i'm back home, i miss camp. it wasn't as i had imagined it at all. for one, our class did not do any pumping at all!!!!!!(which is veryvery good.) and, our instructors were quite lenient but still very funny. so, yes, i seriously enjoyed the camp. first day: met our instructors for the camp and had a briefing. reached campsite and went to dump our bags in the girl's dorm. double decker(??) beds, i'm sleeping at the bottom, pueh suan's on top went for another briefing on out activities for the day, which is BMT(basic military training) our first activity is a game. we're all standing in a field behind a "line" one instructor is standing at the opposite end. the other one will read phrases. while the phrases are being said, we all have to start running to the other end. when the phrase has been said fi
camp is tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg wish me luck.
so. i survived another week. but level camp is next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and it's a freaking boot camp. damn the school for dumping us there. i'm so not gonna have fun in camp, no matter how much the teachers and instructors say. and, i've finally proved that thursday is definitely not a good day for me.
as you can guess, i spent my valentine's day in tuition. but don't start worrying about my social life. i'm gonna host a singles' party for me and my brothers tonight. yes, they're all single.(wait. did my bro just read that? you didn't read that then...) as you know, i've 5 brothers so it's gonna be one hell of a party. alright, just kidding. i spent my valentine's day with my one true love who's been with me since i can remember. if you guessed family you're dead wrong. yup, it's: books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahaha you really thought i was gonna reveal some dark secret lover? fat hope. and yes, you're probably rolling your eyes and saying," this girl totally has no life" right now. but who cares. i love my books and they love me too!!!! happy valentine's day everybody. p.s i finally got a tagbox! surprised?
okay, i've just finish watching it. annnnnnd......... the ending is sosososososososososo asshole. how can they just leave us hanging like that??????!!!!! third season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want a third season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and my twin brothers are so cute!!! hahaha, way cuter than jiamin's baby nephew because they are so much more handsome!!!!!! wahahahahahahahahaha
phew.... i can't believe i've made it past this week alive...... 5 days=5 tests 1 test per day !!!!!!!!!!!!! but it's all finally over..... and friday the 13 is actually a really lucky day!! no homework, no tuition and best of all, i can watch my last 2 episodes!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omgomgomgomgomgomg i know im damn freaking slow but i just realized that season 2 of saiunkoku monogatari has been subbed finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou crystalis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have to watch it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
went out with jia min and si min yesterday. went out at 4 and came back at 10.30pm okay,from now on i can't come back so late, only during school holidays. we went to bugis. i bought 1 top, 1 super long pair of earrings, 1 ring and 2 bangles. i spent 30+?i think. si min spent the most. she finally bought her flat iron. we walked for so long just to find it, and ended up eating dinner at 9pm.
FTG (friday thank god) i was walking back from tuition today when 2 people blew cigarette smoke in my face. 2 people!!! bah..... so many tests this week... next week too.... history is repeating itself yet again... i try not to feel too depressed, because i now know it's been all in my mind..... but i still miss my deluded days
okay, i got my amath test result back today. i passed. just barely. then the evil twin asked us to bring back our papers for our parents to sign. good news: my mum didn't take amath when she was younger so she dosen't have a clue what the heck's written on the paper. bad news: my marks still suck. anyway, chemistry test tomorrow. wish me luck.
i'm currently swamped with homework. emath test tomorrow. and, someone still owes me lunch so if you see this, pay up.
my family went to my aunt's house yesterday and we stayed there gambling until 2am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! camn back at 2+ than finally slept at 3++ so i woke up at 3.30pm today. unfortunately, i still haven't finished my homework. damnit.