i'm back from camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, honestly, i was totally dreading camp.
well, they said it was a boot camp so who wouldn't have?
but now that i'm back home, i miss camp.
it wasn't as i had imagined it at all.
for one, our class did not do any pumping at all!!!!!!(which is veryvery good.)
and, our instructors were quite lenient but still very funny.
so, yes, i seriously enjoyed the camp.

first day:
met our instructors for the camp and had a briefing.
reached campsite and went to dump our bags in the girl's dorm.
double decker(??) beds, i'm sleeping at the bottom, pueh suan's on top
went for another briefing on out activities for the day, which is BMT(basic military training)
our first activity is a game.
we're all standing in a field behind a "line"
one instructor is standing at the opposite end.
the other one will read phrases.
while the phrases are being said, we all have to start running to the other end.
when the phrase has been said finished,
the instructor will turn around and anybody not lying still on the ground will be considered "dead" and has to go back to the starting point.
an "alive" person has to accompany the "dead" person from the start again or the person remains at the starting point, "dead".
the objective is to get everyone to the other side of the field.
that game was really funny, because some people end up in weird positions on the ground.
then we had lunch.
erm....i forgot what the lunch was already, nevermind.
second activity involves water.
there are two red balls in a pipe with big and small holes.
the objective is to get the balls by pouring water in and blocking the holes to prevent the water from escaping.
we had to try two times before finally getting the ball.
the second time, i was at the bottom blocking a big holes and it was really tiring.
at the end, all the people at the bottom were drenched and had cramped fingers.
you could say it was fun too.
and people kept singing random songs to keep our spirits up.
we were so wet that we could all squeeze water out of our hair and clothes.
third activity.
our class was really lucky because we didn't need to do the really muddy activity.
we went to do the special mission, postman's walk.
two wires are suspended over a pond and you have to cross it, while focusing on your goal(or was it outcome?)
it was quite okay, especially since we had gloves so our hands won't blister, much.
but before this we practiced some drills.
fourth activity.
slippery slope.
this was really fun too.
we had to climb up the slope with the help of a rope while an instructor sat at the top and poured soap, water and mud at us.
i got wet for this, and just after i was almost drying out too.
i forgot what happened after this.
did we bathe then eat dinner or dinner then bathe?
then after dinner.......i have no idea what happened........
my memory is getting from bad to worse.
okay, lights out at 10.30pm.
we had a debrief before that.
our instructor told us a story about a boy and girl could ah beng and ah lian.
then we went to sleep.

second day:
woke up at 4.30am the and went to brush teeth.
instructors came to tell us to go back to sleep till 6am
so 6am the lights are switched on and everybody wakes up.
quickly packed bags because there's a stand by bed( which means literally standing by your bed while they inspect the area)
in total, we have 43 mistakes
10 consequences(success claps) for 1 mistake
43 mistakes=430 success claps.
all filed out to do warm up and success claps
in the end we did like 500?
everyone's arms are aching like mad.
then ate breakfast.
after that, went on the mission.
have to visit stations, do the task, get the coded message and decode it.
in the end, our class only went to 2 stations
we got sort of distracted cuz we had to go for another special mission where the instructors got jia jia to pretend she had hurt her head.
so we had to carry her and all that.
some people believe it but mostly we knew it was fake.
so we had a grand total of 3 messages but we sort of faked it through and pretended we knew all 6.
then it started raining.
we played a game called the great raid.
each platoon gets 1 battle ship and 1 territory
the objective is to get as many territories and battleships as you can.
you can only use the battle ship to attack.
when you attack another battle ship, you have to squat down and shout contacted.
wait for an instructor/pm(platoon mentor) to come over and give the challange.
whoever wins the challenge wins the opponent's battleship/territory.
there were many ups and downs but eventually we ended up with 2 battleships and territories each.
the rain stopped and we went for our victory march.
we walked 1 big round and sang songs for part of the way.
the instructor said we walked 7km for 1 and 1/2 hours.
then, finally bathe and eat dinner
somewhere in between we practiced for out performance at night.
after dinner we practiced too.
3/5 didn't need to perform cuz they were managing the thingy.
we all wore our pink class t-shirt,
even ms foo and mr tan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we really stood out man....
so after the performances,
some people including our whole class went up to say a few words of appreciation then we went for supper/debrief then off to bed.
lights out at 12 midnight.

third day:
woke up at 6.20am
went to wash up.
went out to assemble but had to go in again cuz they said there was a stand by bed.
so all went in and stand by the bed.
in the end, there wasn't a stand by bed.
so went out, took class photo, then went for area cleaning.
our class got the girl's toilets.
all the boys seemed extra enthusiastic and started picking up rubbish and washing vigorously
then changed into camp shirt.
after that, went for breakfast.
then had graduation parade.
basically stood there for awhile and then had a bandanna tied to our hand as a symbol of graduation.
then, debriefed, did survey then time to go home!!!!!!!!!
our pm cheryl cried,
miss us too much.
we miss both her and pm azree too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so went back to school.
stood in the quad and did 30 success claps.
did our cheer one last time then dismissed.
went to mac with simin and jia min(both didn't go camp)
ate ice cream then went home.

i'm missing camp now.....
miss the interesting activities and the peace and quiet(sort of).
but the flies.......
besides that, i love camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

some things i forgot to mention:
1. we had a POP (passing out parade) on the first night(no wonder i counldn't remember any activity)
2. we were promoted super fast.
in 3 days 2 nights from recruit to coporal, so pro right?
3.i don't have tuition today!!!!it's been postponed to sunday!!!!!(this has nothing to do with the camp)

now, i'm dreading school on monday.
oh, and i know this is a supersuper duper long post.
so sorry.

cheryl signed my bandanna!!


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