
Showing posts from September, 2011
I think I may have what it's called, an addictive personality, as seen from my binges on chocolate,crackers, toffees, coffee, and most recently, pistachio nuts. I apparently ate so much I developed a sore throat and almost fell sick. people with an addictive personality will "show impulsive behavior such as excessive caffeine consumption, internet usage, eating of chocolates or other sugar-laden foods, television watching, or even running" now with the exception of the running part, that totally tells the story of my life. so great, in the course of my revision for my exams I've just discovered a new disorder that I most likely have. (this was done through the use of the internet, which I tried to ban myself from by giving my laptop to my mother but which I can and do still access now from the desktop. Oops) see I used to think I had bipolar disorder, but then no, I found out that that's just puberty and hormones and stuff. but I really do think I have an addicti

bugger this for a lark

jc life has officially screwed up my sleep cycle like nothing before I sleep at odd hours of the night(sometimes I don't sleep at all-like today), nap at random times(my naps span 4-8hours) and my sleeping habits are now even worse than they were during the holidays(which should give you some inkling of how bad it is), the difference being that during the holidays, i was averaging 12 hours of sleep a day while I am now reduced to an average of 4 -5 pathetic hours of sleep per day. people, be warned- never, I repeat, NEVER take h2 history, unless you have the good fortune to have an extremely good, friendly teacher. Otherwise you're on your own and screwed. Or unless you happen to be some cyborg with photographic memory I guess. PROMOS ARE IN 1 WEEK HELP!!!!!