
Showing posts from June, 2012

spiraling down

Honestly, this really is quite amusing and novel. for once in my life I'm totally unprepared for an exam and I couldn't give a shit. It's like today's history paper: Didn't study for any essay questions so just bullshitted enough for one side of the paper for each question then took a nap what? tomorrow's math paper + lit consult : Haven't even touched any notes or done the lit essay that was assigned for the consult but I frankly couldn't give a damn. Still watching running man at this time when my paper's at 8am and you need sleep to do math but I don't even care whaat? economics papers in 2 days covering the whole syllabus which of course I haven't even looked at but meh. results for BT2 are going to be interesting, very interesting. and you know what? I really, seriously do not care. it's like it's not even my life anymore, I'm looking down somewhere at someone else messing up their own life, I just feel so removed fro

It's one of those days

I hate this year. It's just been so tiring. Becoming more self-destructive what with my addictive personality/obsessive behavior and extreme sleeping patterns due to the fact that I can no longer sleep in total darkness or without reading first, and provided that it's at like 3am when I'm already worn out or if I had only like 3 hours of sleep the day before or something. I guess some might say I'm acting out or some shit due to my loss but I say bugger off and leave me alone to wallow in self pity What is this world that we live in I am not a morning person. I dislike unnecessary social interaction before at least 11am. Honestly I'm fraying at the edges. having to put dreams on hold, added stress now that you're gone. Why dad, why. On another note, not sure if I'm falling sick or not, fever seems to have broken after taking panodol so pardon my incoherence and gloomy tone it'll pass.