spiraling down

Honestly, this really is quite amusing and novel.
for once in my life I'm totally unprepared for an exam and I couldn't give a shit.
It's like today's history paper: Didn't study for any essay questions so just bullshitted enough for one side of the paper for each question then took a nap what?
tomorrow's math paper + lit consult : Haven't even touched any notes or done the lit essay that was assigned for the consult but I frankly couldn't give a damn. Still watching running man at this time when my paper's at 8am and you need sleep to do math but I don't even care whaat?
economics papers in 2 days covering the whole syllabus which of course I haven't even looked at but meh.
results for BT2 are going to be interesting, very interesting.
and you know what?
I really, seriously do not care.
it's like it's not even my life anymore, I'm looking down somewhere at someone else messing up their own life, I just feel so removed from it all.
Hmm...guess I'll just go sleep then.


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