
Showing posts from May, 2014
thinking about it, I realize that learning Japanese is the only thing I've ever pursued purely out of interest. there aren't really any achievements I'm planning on accomplishing, no pressure to succeed in it, no endgame. I'm learning it simply because I like it. sometimes, when people ask, I tell them about how I'm planning on taking this certification or that, just to seem like I have stuff planned out for the future, like I'm trying to justify what I'm doing, to make this seem more legitimate or something. but I don't really care actually. I like Japanese culture, I find their language beautiful, and that's all there is to it. and I am lucky to be able to pursue this interest like this. so the thought of continuing my lessons again is pretty exciting. I met my old Japanese teacher today. talk about a blast from the past. it's...odd really. my dad's death anniversary just passed a few days ago, and then seeing her again today ju
My last paper ended 2 hours ago, which means that finals are over! And now I'm just sitting in my hostel, at my very messy desk, overflowing with various notes and textbooks, evidence from the frantic desperate week, procrastinating on packing up. looking out the window, at the surroundings I'd grown so accustomed to seeing, thinking about how much I'm going to miss this place. I never thought I would grow so attached to this hostel. when I first moved in I didn't even think I would be spending much time here, and now I can't bear to leave. I don't know what's suddenly gotten into me, with this sudden wave of nostalgia. maybe it's because my first year at uni is so suddenly over and I'm unexpectedly still in one piece. or maybe because I didn't get much sleep last night and I'm just rambling. I've been sitting here in silence just contemplating the past semester for a while now. it's very calming and peaceful. well, time t