you know what I hate most about being a girl?
I absolutely hate getting my period.
maybe it's not so bad for some girls because they're lucky enough to have really light periods that they can take minimal notice of.
but not so for the unfortunate number of girls like myself.
when my period comes, it literally takes over my life for the next 3-4 days.
and it's not as if my period even lasts 3-4 days. It lasts at least a WEEK.
not only do I have to deal with menstrual cramps, mood swings,but also heavy flow.
I absolutely HATE all those stupid smiling cheerful girls in pad advertisements, where they put on like one pad and then are free to spin about and roll on beds the whole day regardless of their "heavy" flow.
you know what I like to do on the first day of my period?
curl up in a fetal position on my bed or vegetate in front of the computer and snap at everyone at the slightest thing.
I can't even wear one pad to sleep every night, I have to freaking wake up every 4 hours to change my bloody pad(no pun intended) because if I don't, there is a high chance I will stain my bedsheets.
heck, I have to use overnight pads even during the day,unless I want to start changing pads every 1-2 hours or something.
and yes, I am having my period now, just right before my bloody Japan trip,
which is why I'm getting so bloody worked up about it.

(all content from this point may be unfair and one-sided because I am having my period and am pissed off,so I'm just going to say anything I want regardless of whatever. If you are male, and easily offended/ can't take a joke, just don't read on. Take the following with a pinch of salt)

I think it's unfair that only girls get periods.
why can't guys get it too?( I'm not asking this question literally, because obviously I know why)
at the very least they should be made to feel how we feel.
maybe then they won't be such smug conceited egomaniacs.
not feeling so good now huh? HUH?
how does it feel like to have blood seeping out of you, feel like your intestines are trying to have a dance off and to have absolutely no control whatsoever over it??
stupid boys don't even try to understand us or anything.
I don't see why we should talk about these things only among girls in hushed voices, like it's some dreadful secret or something.
girls ought to be allowed to skip P.E once a month when they're on their period, I mean, imagine going up to your P.E teacher and telling them you're on your period and have to be excused from the lesson.
what would they do?
laugh in your face probably.
the point is, sometimes you really do have to be excused from the lesson because having your period is no joke at all
we shouldn't feel embarrassed so that we have to hide the pads whenever we need to change them.
it's so ridiculous.
we should shoot all unreasonable, irritating guys in the ass and when they're writhing on the floor in agony, laugh in THEIR face, and tell them that is exactly how we feel like on our periods


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