
Showing posts from November, 2011

musings of a half sick sarcastic bitch in an ironically philosophical mood at 1am

it seems that every time I'm sick I seek solace in the comfort of the written word. these past two days when I was sick, I simply curled up in bed with my books and just read. it's been so long since I'd done that and I miss it. nowadays I'm usually too occupied with the internet to really sit down and read for a prolonged period of time. but alas, the clock is ticking and dark days are fast approaching... oh that I could skip ahead to next wednesday when I'll have nothing else to fear! on another note, my nose is running like a broken sink, I wonder if that's a legitimate reason to skip training? But I kid, why would I even want to? the wondrous joy of the game, the exhilarating rush of adrenaline, the extraordinary sense of camaraderie and the unbelievable sense of satisfaction I get is enough to spur me on and inspire and instill within me the heart and soul of a sportsman. If I was not convinced before I am now. I wonder at how long it's taken me to disc
I love rainy days. rainy weather = lazy weather which means I don't feel guilty about vegetating in front of the computer all day long because hey, it's not like I can go outside and commune with nature or something. I am definitely in the holiday mood, and I think it's unrealistic for teachers to expect us to actually do homework now. I mean, it's bad enough forcing us to come to school and sit through boring lectures, they should be grateful we're even turning up, let alone expecting us to do work????? Pffft.
I saw christmas decorations while out shopping today. remembering it now, reminds me that Christmas is (sort of) near, which also reminds me that the year is coming to an end. listening to Kat-tun's 'White Christmas', while reading through kamichan 's old blog posts, and reminiscing about Hey!Say!Jump's four year career has put me in a nostalgic mood. I know it's a a bit early to be writing a "yet another year has passed" post, and yet, just like that, another year has indeed passed. this time last year, the celebrations for the end of O'levels had barely even started now? I'm thinking about how I'm going to have to really buck up for next year's A'levels. I can't believe I actually survived one year in jc and came out, well, not totally unscathed, but at least in one piece. I still remember the euphoria, the excitement, the relief, and later, the anxiety, the fear that comes with change, that comes with the beginning of a new
what better way to celebrate the end of something as serious as PW than by treating myself to a shopping spree of anime and manga goods at this year's AFA? I sincerely regret all the wasted years when I didn't go early. Because it is definitely worth it. I also regret not bringing more money with me today. some would say that I'm wasting my money on frivolous items of no real use, and to that I would like to say : Stuff You. because 4 wall scrolls and more later, I am a happy girl. And happiness, as they say, is priceless. p.s am sorely tempted to go back tomorrow to blow more money on more stuff but I shall resist


no words can express my joy re-watching Sweeney Todd: the demon barber of fleet street I know it's just a movie, but I am still amazed at how Anthony immediately starts planning to kidnap Johanna after seeing her ONCE. Oh but apparently he "means no harm" Yeah right, after he keeps going on about how he's going to "steal her" and how he "feels her". I'm sorry but that just seems creepy to me. Okay fine, it is kinda sweet that he goes wandering around London looking for her to rescue her, instead of just randomly killing people. and the little boy is so cute! Up until he cuts the guy's throat. 1 week of glorious freedom...of lazing around all day, not waking up till evening and not sleeping till early morning, watching movies non-stop on funshion etc. I know I'm going to get bored soon and I can't wait.