no words can express my joy

re-watching Sweeney Todd: the demon barber of fleet street
I know it's just a movie, but I am still amazed at how Anthony immediately starts planning to kidnap Johanna after seeing her ONCE. Oh but apparently he "means no harm"
Yeah right, after he keeps going on about how he's going to "steal her" and how he "feels her".
I'm sorry but that just seems creepy to me.
Okay fine, it is kinda sweet that he goes wandering around London looking for her to rescue her, instead of just randomly killing people.
and the little boy is so cute! Up until he cuts the guy's throat.

1 week of glorious freedom...of lazing around all day, not waking up till evening and not sleeping till early morning, watching movies non-stop on funshion etc.
I know I'm going to get bored soon and I can't wait.


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