death by a 3 hour literature paper.
2 papers tomorrow= 4h 45min worth of writing
put into perspective, I have 7h 45min(consisting of 1 math paper and 6 essays to write) before exams are over.
and I wonder why most of those science students have such a nice exam timetable with only 1 paper each day, coming to the conclusion that people just hate arts students

contemplating abandoning all hope and just going to sleep now.
besides, why on earth is h1 math paper 2.5hours long??????????

coming to the realization that I'm not even doing a full history exam yet as exhausted as I am already the worst is yet to come.
rambling fractured thoughts
why do history students learn about the global economy pfft

as of now I officially hate all forms of higher education,
also hate myself for bringing this on myself
I swear I will never be so unprepared again


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