So it's father's day today,and I'll be lying if I said I wasn't affected.
it's always the little things that remind me of him.
since I've been here in Germany, the one thing that always comes up is cars and driving.
almost everyone I know drives ,or is learning, so you kind of stick out if you don't and have no intention to, like me.
it's easy to laugh off and give the excuse that it's because Singapore's too small and it's too expensive to own a car anyway, but that's only part of the reason why.
For me it's mainly because driving reminds me so much of him.
He was such a great driver, driving since he was 18.
he would fetch us around without complaint, and I grew up wanting to learn how to drive, secure in the knowledge that even if I didn't know anything or was scared, he would always be there to help and guide me.
but he's not, not anymore.
and I still can't get into a car without thinking of him, being reminded of him, and missing him.
I guess maybe because it's father's day that I'm feeling the loss particularly acutely, but I still can't get over this mental block I have against driving.


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