so today I finally caved in and decided to watch Hana Yori Dango,
but only because Matsuda Shota's in it,and I've nothing else to watch.

I tried, really, I tried.
but about halfway through the third episode, I honestly couldn't take it anymore
it is just Too. Freaking.Predictable.
and I know lots of dramas are too, and you can pretty much guess the endings,
usually, if the drama is good, I'll still watch it to the end, even though I already know the ending.
but with this drama,even Shota couldn't make me continue (although if he's the main character, then that's another story)

this is just like Nagareboshi.
I only started watching it because of Shota.
but since he's only a minor character, I didn't see any point in watching beyond the first episode.
because I already knew exactly how the entire story would pan out,
and it was going to be another one of those typical long whiny irritating romance dramas.
you know,
guy meets girl,
both start getting feelings for each other but don't dare say anything,
more obstacles,
a bit of crying and hair pulling and sitting in the rain and/or wandering aimlessly with a sad/forlorn/lonely face
something terribly inspiring and miraculous happens.
guy gets girl,
happy ending.

I'm going to sleep now.
oh, and I just found all 155 episodes of Cartoon Kat-tun,almost all of which is subbed.
maybe I won't be sleeping after all....


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