
Showing posts from December, 2010
this year has been one of the most significant years of my life. so many important things have happened, so I just thought that I'll list them down here, since I'm too lazy to actually write them down somewhere to remember. so in order of when they popped into my head: O'levels. Moving house, significant since I've lived there for 10 years. Getting 2 dogs. 1 dog dying. First time I stayed over at a chalet. First time my friends came over to stay at my house. Getting my own room. Getting a fireplace. (I know everyone's too nice to tell me I'm crazy for doing this,even if it was my mum's idea in the first place, I just encouraged her. But let's face it, who doesn't want their own fireplace????) Learning how to play mahjong. Getting braces. and.... yeah,I think that's about everything. I hope everyone had a fun time staying over, come and do it again soon!! oh and apparently O'level results are coming out on 10th January. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY
so yeah, I just don't know what is it with people and picking at scabs. everytime we get a scab, we just have to pick and pick at it till it comes off, even if it's painful. you know you'll have thought that after years of that, I'll know enough not to do it again but nooooo, I don't, and now my foot is bleeding again. I mean it's not just me right? everyone does it too right? Right?
Merry Christmas everyone! and if I were you, I wouldn't visit my friend's house at 12+ in the morning and start playing guitar hero or something and singing. because their parents and grandparents might be sleeping, but their sister might still be up and complaining about you on her blog. I'm just saying. it's not like I would mind GOOD singing. actually I think they might be drunk.
don't talk to me about boys who use someone else's bathroom and don't flush. isn't it basic courtesy, and simple responsibility? and not to mention, hygienic?
so my new fireplace came today! gorgeous isn't it? and now that empty space in my room looks like this: yes,that's my fat ass armchair. now all I'm missing is a bedside table, which is going to be delivered soon,maybe a side table for the armchair,a lamp,a clock and stuff to decorate my fireplace with. and I still have yet to complete that stupid 1000 piece puzzle. it's not entirely my fault, there are missing pieces, I swear.
I finally watched The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader today. it was quite good, if a bit short, and I enjoyed the effects. since it's been at least five years since I last read the book, I only vaguely remember the story, but I'm sure some parts were definitely different. Skandar Keynes, who plays Edmund, is all grown up now, and, in my opinion, has gotten pretty cute. I don't know how he did it, but Ben Barnes, who plays Prince Caspian, is all hot now. he looks so much better in this movie than in the Prince Caspian movie. I have no idea how he changed so much. a new hairstyle? well at least his new facial hair suits him. but then again, he still looks great without it. (look,sorry for the over size pictures but for some reason,I couldn't resize them) the only thing I have never liked about the Narnia series is that Aslan always gives them way too much help. but well, I guess they are just ordinary(sort of) kids.
went ice skating yesterday! couldn't go in as early as I wanted to, because there was a fire drill. but it was really fun! especially after the ice was resurfaced. however, I really think some ground rules need to be laid. some people are just so rude,oblivious and ignorant. I mean, if everyone around you is skating in one direction, obviously you don't go and skate in the OPPOSITE direction right? and stupid little kids using the metal helper, don't think that makes you invincible so you can go speeding around with no regard for other people around you. and if out of 4 people, only one of you can skate, then don't freaking all link hands and try to skate! what the heck. and can't people keep out of the centre of the rink? even I feel bad for the figure skaters who are just trying to practice. and I bought a winter jacket! I swear I'm totally going to wear it every single day I'm in Japan.
WOHOO!! my trip to japan has finally been confirmed!! my mum booked the tour today and we're mostly going to be in the Tohoku region, wherever that is, the good point: SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW the bad point:only getting to spend about one and a half days in Tokyo before the flight back to Singapore so there's little time to shop!!! I think I'm going on the 8th of January? somewhere around there, I'll be gone for a week, so hopefully O'level results aren't out before I come back. I wish O'level results would never come out.
Good morning! I'm up early today! surprised? you should be, because as you know, I hate waking up early, and feel that waking up before 12 voluntarily during the holidays is a crime. but I think I should come clean first. the reason I'm awake, is because I haven't slept yet. yes,that's right, I've been up the entire night. I really need to break this bad habit of mine. sleeping so late at night that it's early in the morning, then waking up the next day just in time for an early dinner. I want to sleep and wake up early, I do! but I get carried away when I'm watching dramas/manga/youtube videos etc. basically whenever I'm on the computer. then don't use the computer at night! yeah,but I don't like using the computer during the day, because I think it's a waste of time or daylight, whatever. which is weird I know. and no, I'm not going to give up on using the computer. ah well, hopefully I'll snap out of it before school starts next y
I love the fact that this blogskin doesn't have an archives so people can't go back and read my past posts because they were so absolutely horrible and immature that even I cringed with horror while rereading them. but I guess it doesn't matter now,since I've just spent the last hour deleting more than half of my original posts. I scraped my leg against the rubber matting at the playground on sunday while on the swing trying to retrieve my slipper on the ground without getting off,or stopping the swing, something I'm sure we've all tried before. so I failed,and ended with some cuts,which I thought were pretty minor and would heal soon because the skin just came out. however,they got even worse and are now red,swollen,infected and still oozing pus. I can't even walk properly, and they seriously look disgusting. it's just as well that I don't have a job. I hope they recover soon!